Psychological Self-Help

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1. Exposure--confront the scary situation over and over.
2. Analyze the situation--log and assess the possible
3. Avoid the stressful situation or person, change your
4. Seek support from friends, counselors, self-help
groups, etc. 
B. The emotional part--
5. Learn to relax--counter the tension directly.
6. Desensitization--reduce the fear or anxiety response.
7. Flooding or venting feelings--get strong emotions off
your chest.
8. Stress inoculation--learn to "stay calm" or to "talk
yourself down."
9. Channel "nervous energy" into fruitful activities.
10. Develop psychological toughness--take on stressful
C. Skills for reducing insecurity--
11. Actually having more skills makes you feel more are! 
D. Cognitive part--
12. Observe and model a person successfully handling
the scary situation.
13. Recognize that faulty thinking may be the cause of
your stress.
14. Correct misperceptions--consult with others; test out
your views.
15. Challenge irrational beliefs and demands of how
things "should" be.
16. Right wrong conclusions--check with others, test
your reasoning, learn to think logically.
17. Intentional thorough planning of how to cope.
18. Healthy attitudes--face problems squarely, commit
yourself to action.
19. Build your faith in your ability to handle stress and
other problems.
20. Find an inspiring mission in life and nurture an
optimistic attitude. 
E. Unconscious factors--
21. Explore your history--for traumas, stressful
emotions, and beliefs.
22. Utilize natural curiosity--ask relatives and friends
about childhood.
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