Psychological Self-Help

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Yate, M. (1992). Knock 'em dead. Holbrook, MA: Bob Adams
Publishers. Advice about how to interview. 
Zenger, J., Miller, D., Florance, J. and Harlowe, P. (1977). How
to work for a living and like it. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.
Computer program for career choice: 
InSight is a new computer program for matching your
vocational interests and career goals with 756 occupational
descriptions. Order from Bytes of Learning at 150 Consumer
Road, Willowdale, Ontario. M2J1P9 
Time Management
Scheduling your time
If you control your time, you control your life, says Alan Lakein
(1973). Time is a precious commodity; everyone gets an equal share
but we use it very differently. We also look at time very differently.
About 57% of us are present and future oriented, 33% are mainly
future oriented, 9% are present oriented and only 1% focus on the
past. Societies have different attitudes toward time, some are rushed
and punctual, others are relaxed and disregard the clock. Successful
managers, professionals, and students are future or goal oriented.
Productive people have set their priorities and scheduled their time
accordingly. Unsuccessful, unskilled workers and procrastinating
students are present oriented and unorganized, fatalistic, and
hedonistic. When current needs demand your attention, whether that
is because the family must be fed or you "must" have a good time with
friends, it becomes harder to carefully plan for the future. Our
situation and needs influence our time orientation, but our time
orientation (and needs) can be changed, leading to more success in
Actually, once a time-utilization problem is admitted, scheduling
your time may not be as difficult as you might think since several
hours are already "filled" with sleeping, eating, showering, working or
classes, and other essentials. You only have to schedule the "unfilled,"
available hours (for college students that's about 10 hours per day). If
you don't plan how to use those hours, it is easy to be lulled into
watching TV, talking with friends, etc. 
The idea is to decide "what is the best use of my time?" Make a list
of what you need to do each week and then, based on the time
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