Psychological Self-Help

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Collect all the conveniently available information about the
probable outcome of each course of action. See if there aren't
synergistic ways of combining several promising solutions into
potent solutions. 
Weigh the pros and cons of each course of action (solution),
then decide on one that you can commit yourself to fully. 
Some writers emphasize the cognitive processes of generating
creative solutions, gathering expert opinions, assessing the probable
outcomes of each alternative, etc. Other writers emphasize (a) the
barriers to good decision-making, such as impatience with gathering
data, (b) the consequences of feeling inadequate, dependent, or
scared, (c) the restrictions imposed by wanting to be admired or loved,
and so on. Both the right steps and the emotional pitfalls are
important. I'll summarize both. 
Several types of decisions are discussed, but choosing a career
serves as my example of a complex, important decision. Several useful
books about career choice are cited at the end of this section,
especially note the most recent Bolles (1995+) and Sinetar(1987). If
you have a history of mental/emotional problems, Lavine (1996)
addresses the special problems you will face. 
To make decisions more rationally and wisely. 
To recognize that we really do have a choice about many
important things in our lives. 
To avoid making decisions sloppily or by default. 
To avoid a variety of irrational ideas, false assumptions, fears,
needs, and other emotions that block good decision-making. 
STEP ONE: Decide if there is a problem. If so, describe and
understand the problem, see some solutions, and accept the
challenge to tackle the problem.
A problem well stated is half solved, according to an old adage.
Perhaps the first question is: Is there a problem? No need to worry
about something that never happens. Perhaps you should also ask:
Am I exaggerating or minimizing the problem? If in doubt, better ask
someone else. But if there are likely to be serious difficulties, then ask
yourself: Are there solutions to this problem? Do I have time to do
something about the problem? In short, is it a manageable, solvable
problem? And, am I overly optimistic or pessimistic? 
The situation may be an opportunity rather than a problem. Am I
willing to accept the challenge with enthusiasm? 
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